Chords for songsHello In ThereHello In There chordsby John PrineYear: N/AGenre: FolkGuitarSimplifiedOriginalTabsTuning E A D G B ECapo Fret 5TransposeEADGBECapoGAmDCFBm2LearnSmart scrollChord HighlightIntro 1G Am D G Am D G C G D Verse 1G We had an apartAm ment in the cD ity G Me and LoAm retta liked living thD ere G Well, it'd been years since the kC ids had grown A life G of their own, left us D alone Verse 2G John and LiAm nda live in OmD aha G And Am Joe is somewhere on the D road G We lost Davy in the KorC ean war And I still don't G know what for, don't matter anD ymore Chorus 1F You know that old trees just grow G stronger And old F rivers grow wilder every G day Bm Old people C just grow lonesome Waiting for somG eone to say, "HelD lo in there, helG lo" Interlude 1G Am D G Am D G C G D Verse 3G Me and LoreAm tta, we don't talk D much more G She sits and stAm ares through the back door scrD een G And all the news just repC eats itself Like some forG gotten dream that we've D both seen Verse 4G Someday I'll Am go and call up RD udy G We worked togeAm ther at the factoD ry G What could I say if he asC ks "What's new?" "Nothing, what's G with you? Nothing much D to do" Chorus 2F You know that old trees just grow G stronger And old F rivers grow wilder every dG ay Bm Old people C just grow lonesome Waiting for somG eone to say, "HelD lo in there, helG lo" Verse 5G So if you're waAm lking down the streD et sometime G And spot some Am hollow ancient eyD es G Please don't just pass 'em by C and stare As if you G didn't care, say, "HelD lo in there, helG lo"