Let’s learn to play this brooding pop tune! One of the more distinctive elements of this song is the changing “time signature” (number of beats in each bar) in the chorus. Like most songs, it has 4 beats per bar, except for some bars with 2 beats per bar. These short bars add a sense of variety and movement, keeping the listener on their toes, and pushing the song forward.
“Watch”, made famous by Billie Eilish, is now available in Yousician for Guitar, Piano, Bass, Ukulele, and Singing.
Watch for Guitar
by: James Neilson, Music Education Designer for Guitar
In the main melody exercise (level 3) you’ll play the main vocal and instrumental melodies in the song, slightly simplified for playability on the guitar. There are some fast sections and quick position-shifts in the chorus, so remember to start slow and learn part-by-part.
In the cowboy chords exercise (level 4) you’ll play the main chords of the song: mostly C F Am G, along with Em and Dm. You’ll notice there’s a nice contrast between sections with long sustained notes vs faster strumming, so try to capture that contrast and connect to the song as you play.
Watch for Piano
by: Sunny Choi, Music Education Designer for Piano
Melody exercise (level 4): The anthem-like intro of the melody evolves into a beautiful flow of tune as the song unfolds. Play it for yourself and enjoy!
Accompaniment exercise (level 4): Ride the momentum of this song with this chord exercise.
The solo piano exercise (level 5) combines the melody with a steady bassline to make your playing feeling fuller.
The left-hand movement in the solo piano exercise (level 8) will get you feeling like you’re in control of the beat. Play this exercise to experience what it’s like to own the song all on your own as a solo pianist.
Watch for Ukulele
by: Vellu Halkosalmi, Music Education Designer for Bass and Ukulele
In the melody exercise (level 4) you will be playing the main melodic parts of the song, slightly simplified for playability on the ukulele. It all stays in the 2nd fretting position, so no position shifts are needed, but note a little stretch for the fretting hand in the 3rd bar of the bridge. Once you’ve mastered all the notes and rhythms, try focusing on connecting to the emotional quality of the song. Experiment with your tone and how it makes you feel, e.g. plucking firmly over the sound hole for a bright and bold sound, or plucking softly over the fretboard for a mellow and delicate sound. There’s no right or wrong, but if you focus on emotion like this, you’ll soon notice how you naturally start expressing rather than just playing the right notes at the right time.
In the chords exercise (level 4) you’ll play the main chords of the song: mostly C F Am G, along with Em and Dm. You’ll notice there’s a nice contrast between sections with long sustained notes vs faster strumming, so try to capture that contrast and connect to the song as you play.
Watch for Singing
by: Sonja Patrikainen, Music Education Designer for Singing
“Watch” is yet another song made famous by Billie Eilish that has a beautifully written and flowing melody. A minimalistic verse, followed by a chorus that requires precision with both pitch and enunciation. Our tip is to practice the melody carefully. Take it slow first if needed, but the most important thing is to make sure you reach every single pitch clearly. Think of each melody run as a staircase, clear steps instead of sliding! This way you will build a strong muscle memory for tuning, and that will serve you in all other songs as well. After you’ve practiced the pitches very precisely, start adding little glides deliberately wherever you want them. You can even listen to Billie Eilish herself and pay attention to how she spices up the melody, where does she sing a juicy glide between notes, and which part is more strictly sung to get some other point across.